NABVFC Core Team 2024-2028
The Core Team consists of six sisters nominated and affirmed at large, at biennial NABVFC symposium. The term of office is four years; Core Team members are not eligible for immediate re-election. To assure continuity of leadership two members and a member at large are elected at one symposium, three members at the next one. Ideally the Core Team is representative of all federations. At this time three Federations are represented as well as one Congregation.
The officers of the Core Team, as determined in September 2011, are chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and website coordinator. Members of the Core Team decide among themselves who assumes what role based on individual gifts and preferences. The duties formerly assigned to the corresponding secretary have been delegated to other members of the team, primarily the vice-chair.
The Core Team regularly meet in-person for three days in early fall and via a conference call or ZOOM in January. Conference business may necessitate additional communication or meetings; the Core Team determines a suitable meeting format and records transactions in minutes or hard copies of emails. For bonding and balance, opportunities for prayer and leisure are part of the fall gathering.
Generally the responsibilities of the Core Team include arranging electronic correspondence with the membership via the NABVFC website ( twice annually; planning and implementing a biennial NABVFC symposium; determining site, staff and fees for such NABVFC sponsored programs as the Symposium, NADI, BSWR; determining amounts of funds available for scholarships and financial assistance and arranging for their dispersal; attending to needs and requests of NABVFC membership.
- Sister Jill Marie Reuber, NABVFC Core Team Chair [email protected]
- Sister Ann Muczynski, NABVFC Core Team Vice-Chair
- Sister Michael Marie Rottinghaus, NABVFC Core Team Secretary [email protected]
- Sister Maria Victoria Cutaia, NABVFC Team Treasurer [email protected]
- Sister Paz Vital, NABVFC Core Team Web Coordinator p[email protected]
- Sister Cathy Bauer, NABVFC Core Treasure Assistant
The Core Team consists of six sisters nominated and affirmed at large, at biennial NABVFC symposium. The term of office is four years; Core Team members are not eligible for immediate re-election. To assure continuity of leadership two members and a member at large are elected at one symposium, three members at the next one. Ideally the Core Team is representative of all federations. At this time three Federations are represented as well as one Congregation.
The officers of the Core Team, as determined in September 2011, are chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and website coordinator. Members of the Core Team decide among themselves who assumes what role based on individual gifts and preferences. The duties formerly assigned to the corresponding secretary have been delegated to other members of the team, primarily the vice-chair.
The Core Team regularly meet in-person for three days in early fall and via a conference call or ZOOM in January. Conference business may necessitate additional communication or meetings; the Core Team determines a suitable meeting format and records transactions in minutes or hard copies of emails. For bonding and balance, opportunities for prayer and leisure are part of the fall gathering.
Generally the responsibilities of the Core Team include arranging electronic correspondence with the membership via the NABVFC website ( twice annually; planning and implementing a biennial NABVFC symposium; determining site, staff and fees for such NABVFC sponsored programs as the Symposium, NADI, BSWR; determining amounts of funds available for scholarships and financial assistance and arranging for their dispersal; attending to needs and requests of NABVFC membership.
The detailed job descriptions outlined below list the responsibilities of individual Core Team members:
Develop agenda and chair Core Team meetings.
Review, with other Core Team members:
Maintain a file of correspondence, hard copies of emails and records; submits these archival materials to the secretary by September 30 each year.
Prepare a chair’s letter to accompany semiannual NABVFC electronic correspondence to NABVFC members and prioresses.
Maintain regular communication with the directors of NADI and BSWR.
Prepare forms for surveys (participation in programs, sites for programs and available presenters) and forwards these to the website coordinator in time for the fall posting.
Compile member responses to surveys and forward these, as appropriate, to the Core Team, directors of NADI and BSWR and the website coordinator for planning and information purposes; retains the returned surveys for at least 15 months
Prepare and present, with the chair, a “state of the conference” report for the members at the biennial symposium and assist the chair as needed.
Retain in vice-chair’s notebook, for reference purposes, reports from directors of NADI and BSWR for the preceding five years.
Maintain a file of forms, compilations of surveys, correspondence and submit these archival materials to the secretary by September 30 each year.
Take minutes for all Core Team meetings and all conference calls and distribute to Core Team members.
Take minutes of the biennial symposium business meeting, distribute them to Core Team members and submit them to the website coordinator for inclusion with fall NABVFC electronic posting.
Prepare additional correspondence as designated.
Retain, for reference purposes, minutes for the last six year in the recording secretary’s notebook.
Serve as contact person for the North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference archives, receives all archival materials from Core Team members and annually transfers these to the archivist.
Receive membership forms and fees and update the electronic copy of the membership directory.
Forwards the updated membership directory to the website coordinator for the January NABVFC website posting
Has charge of funds and finances of the North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference:
Disperse partial scholarships or other financial assistance for NABVFC sponsored programs as determined and directed by the Core Team.
Perform additional financial management duties as designated.
Submit copies of all financial reports generated since the preceding October 1 to the recording secretary by September 30 each year
Website Coordinator
Maintain domain registration, host site registration
Receive and post information as directed by the NABVFC members and the Core Team:
Develop, design password protected section and resource page
Obtain written permission from persons for posting pictures or information about them on the website
Build a help section for users of NABVFC web page that directly connects with the webmaster
Submit to the secretary for inclusion in the archives hard copies of archival documents as of September 30 each year
Develop agenda and chair Core Team meetings.
- Fall meeting; in-person, three days
- Winter meeting; conference call
Review, with other Core Team members:
- Matters for which the Core Team is responsible
- Site of the Fall meeting
- Level of financial assistance that can be provided each year for NABVFC sponsored programs
- Minutes of Core Team meetings
- Minutes of biennial symposium meeting
- Annual financial reports
- Other correspondence as appropriate
Maintain a file of correspondence, hard copies of emails and records; submits these archival materials to the secretary by September 30 each year.
Prepare a chair’s letter to accompany semiannual NABVFC electronic correspondence to NABVFC members and prioresses.
Maintain regular communication with the directors of NADI and BSWR.
Prepare forms for surveys (participation in programs, sites for programs and available presenters) and forwards these to the website coordinator in time for the fall posting.
Compile member responses to surveys and forward these, as appropriate, to the Core Team, directors of NADI and BSWR and the website coordinator for planning and information purposes; retains the returned surveys for at least 15 months
Prepare and present, with the chair, a “state of the conference” report for the members at the biennial symposium and assist the chair as needed.
Retain in vice-chair’s notebook, for reference purposes, reports from directors of NADI and BSWR for the preceding five years.
Maintain a file of forms, compilations of surveys, correspondence and submit these archival materials to the secretary by September 30 each year.
Take minutes for all Core Team meetings and all conference calls and distribute to Core Team members.
Take minutes of the biennial symposium business meeting, distribute them to Core Team members and submit them to the website coordinator for inclusion with fall NABVFC electronic posting.
Prepare additional correspondence as designated.
Retain, for reference purposes, minutes for the last six year in the recording secretary’s notebook.
Serve as contact person for the North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference archives, receives all archival materials from Core Team members and annually transfers these to the archivist.
Receive membership forms and fees and update the electronic copy of the membership directory.
Forwards the updated membership directory to the website coordinator for the January NABVFC website posting
Has charge of funds and finances of the North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference:
- Receives and pays bills
- Manages NABVFC CD’s and other NABVFC investments
- Serves as finanical liaison with directors of NABVFC sponsored programs
- Maintains all financial records
- Presents financial reports at the regular (fall and winter) Core Team meetings and the business meeting at the biennial symposium.
- Prepare end-of-fiscal year financial reports and distribute to Core Team
Disperse partial scholarships or other financial assistance for NABVFC sponsored programs as determined and directed by the Core Team.
Perform additional financial management duties as designated.
Submit copies of all financial reports generated since the preceding October 1 to the recording secretary by September 30 each year
Website Coordinator
Maintain domain registration, host site registration
Receive and post information as directed by the NABVFC members and the Core Team:
- Fall electronic communication to all members
- Letter from the chair
- Core Team addresses, phone, email, and faxes
- Forms
- Membership application and listing of Prioress, Formation, and Vocation personnel
- Participation in programs (NADI, BSWR, and Symposium) Survey
- Facilities Survey
- Presenters/resource persons for NABVFC programs
- Minutes of the business meeting at the NABVFC Biennial Symposium
- Year-end financial report
- Other pertinent materials
- Spring electronic communication to all members
- Updated Membership Directory
- Listing of possible presenters posted in the resources section of the web site.
- Other pertinent materials
Develop, design password protected section and resource page
Obtain written permission from persons for posting pictures or information about them on the website
Build a help section for users of NABVFC web page that directly connects with the webmaster
Submit to the secretary for inclusion in the archives hard copies of archival documents as of September 30 each year